Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Jeff Kai Kano Lillia Louis Manna May

Jeff - 29th of Winter

Information: Jeff is the man at the supermarket that 'always has a
stomach.' He is rather passive. He loves painting and in the Gamecube
version of Harvest Moon there is a picture which he painted. He's
one of my favourite characters.

Where to find him:
Unless it is a Tuesday or a Sunday he is always at his supermarket.
On Tuesdays and Sundays he is either inside with the door locked or
at the clinic.

Likes receiving: He really likes it when you give him medicine. He
also likes spa boiled eggs and flowers.

Hates receiving: Weeds, and ore.

His match: He is married to Sasha. He has loved her since he was a
teenager but often gets into fights with her.


* One day Jeff goes on a sale (he doesn't offer you anything cheaper
though) out of happiness. The villagers think it is because he is
having problems with his bills due to their not paying and think he
is going to close down. Many villagers pay back everything that they
owe him. Jeff is really happy. Jeff has to like you for this event
to happen.


Kai - 22nd of Summer

Information: Kai is the villager every male villager loves to hate.
The females all like him though.

Where to find him:
From 1 - 5 PM you can find him at the beach outside. Before then he
is inside the white hut which you can't enter.
From 7:30 PM onwards he will be at the inn.

Likes receiving: He really likes it when you give him wine, flowers,
and girls gifts. He likes eggs, and popcorn.

Hates receiving: Spa boiled eggs, ore, and natural resources.

His match: If you don't marry Popuri he will.


* See Popuri's section.

* When you first go to the inn in Summer you will see Kai. Duke and
Rick fighting with Kai and will say they don't want him at the inn.
They will ask what you think. You can either say Kai's wrong and make
Rick and Duke like you more but Kai to not like you as much and to be
annoyed. If you say, "you're both wrong” meaning that Duke and Rick
are wrong. Kai will be grateful and like you more. Rick will kind of
understand the way you feel.

* If you plant corn Kai will ask you if you can give him some. You
can either give it to him for free, discounted, or for the normal
price. If you give him it for free he'll like you more. Annoyingly
enough the game does this any time when you get corn and sometimes the
only way you can give Kai corn is to cut down a side corn and give
him one from the middle.

* You can possibly go out on a date with Kai!!! This only works if Kai
likes you. The day before the fireworks festival in the second year
(it may work in the first year if you are friends with him) talk to
Kai. He will say that there is nothing good to do in the village. You
can invite him to go to the fireworks festival. Then on the night
Popuri will come over and ask who Kai is watching the fireworks with.
He will tell her he's watching them with your character. Popuri will
be relieved. You'll try going to the beach but Rick will fight with
Kai and yell at him about seeing the fireworks. You and Kai will have
to watch the fireworks somewhere else. Kai will like you more for
staying with him.

* The day after a hurricane when you walk to the beach you will
pick up a bottle. Kai will be interested in it. He will ask if you
are going to stay in the village. If you tell him, “yes forever” he
will give you a ‘love potion.’ It is perfume that you can give to a
girl and she really likes it but I liked just showing it around to
the villagers first. If you say you'll leave you can keep the bottle
and he'll like you slightly more but I prefer just getting the


Kano - 2nd of Winter

Information: Kano lives with Mayor Thomas. He is a photographer who
at first only brags to you about himself and his great photographing

Where to find him:
He stays at the mayors house all day.
At night at 7:30 he goes to the inn. He walks back to the mayors house
at 10:00.

Likes receiving: He really likes it when you give him flowers, and
spa boiled eggs. He likes ore.

Hates receiving: Natural resources.

His match: No one.


* When you win events he takes a photo of you.


Lillia - 19th of Spring

Information: She is the sick mother of Rick and Popuri. She works at
the Poultry farm.

Where to find her:
She is at the poultry farm from 12:00 - 4:00.
On Sundays if she isn't inside the poultry farm she is at the clinic.

Likes receiving: She really likes it when you give her a bracelet. She
also likes flowers and medicine.

Hates receiving: Spa boiled eggs, natural resources, and wine.

Her match: She has a husband but he is constantly away looking for a
cure to her sickness. She feels very lonely.


* None.


Louis - 2nd of Spring

Information: He studies bees. He hangs out with Gotz.

Where to find him:
He's around where Gotz is. If Gotz is outside his house Louis is

Likes receiving: He really likes it when you give him honey. He also
likes flowers.

Hates receiving: Ore, and weeds.

His match: None.


* About three days after you give him honey he will go to your farm
and look at your bees. He will realize that the bees you have are very
rare and the ones he has been desperately wanting to find. He will
tell Zack how rare the honey is and you will get more money for your
honey (normally 40g now 60g.)
B.T.W. in case you're wondering how you get honey you plant a few
flowers in your farm and it will attract bees. You only need about
2 bags of fully grown flowers in your farm at the same time (meaning
don't grow one bag in Summer and one in Fall) and bees will stay at
your farm forever. You don't even have to keep growing flowers for
them to stay!


Manna - 11th of Fall

Information: She works at the winery. She talks a lot and has, ever
since her daughter left.

Where to find her: From 9 AM - 1 you will find her at the winery unless
it is a Saturday when she doesn't work.
1 - 4 she hangs out at the square with her friends (Sasha and Anna.)
Except on Mondays when she goes to the supermarket.

Likes receiving: She likes the recipe for ketchup that you found whilst
mining. She also likes it when you give her grape juice, apples, and
grapes. She loves flowers.

Hates receiving: Ore, wine, weeds, and litter.

Her match: She's married to Duke.


* None really except for a few previously mentioned ones.


May - 26th of Winter

Information: She is Barley's granddaughter.

Where to find her:
It depends on how far the story has progressed. At first she is always
with Barley but after a while she goes to the church too.

Likes receiving: Spa boiled eggs, old boots and cans from fishing,
and flowers, the recipe found in a bottle whilst fishing in the sea.

Hates receiving: Bones of fish, and ore.

Her match: Stu.


* See Barley's section.

* SEMI PLOT SPOILER: Once she really likes you and she goes to church
you'll go near the church and see her. She'll talk about loving you.
Stu gets jealous (it's cute.) There are two things you can say to her.
Tell her that when she's older you'd be with her. She gets happy. Stu
says he's angry with you and storms into the church. Then when you go
into the church Stu and May start fighting. Pastor Carter breaks up
the fight. Stu doesn't like you any less from this event. The next
day May sends you a thank you letter.

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